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Public Health Updates for COVID-19

Update for April 2,2020

Go Here for video #1

I'm still learning how to embed the videos.

Update for March 26,2020

CLOSING: It is difficult to make this decision yet here we are. After careful consideration I've decided to close the clinic until it is more clear the pandemic is under control. It's hard to know how long that will be. During this time I will be finding and posting some videos and information about care you can give yourself at home with acupressure and herbs. I appreciate you all so very much! I will continue to post updates as conditions and mandates from the government change.

Update for March 22, 2020

Appointment times have been changed to have only two people receiving acupuncture at the same time, and they will be on opposite sides of the clinic (15' away from each other). In addition clinic hours are reduced. If two family members or friends want to come in at the same time please text me and I'll let you know if it will work.


Patients will wash their hands before sitting in their recliner. There is a dedicated hand sanitizing station and the recliners all have head and arm/hand cloths that will be changed with each person. Payment will be made in an envelope with your name on it that is waiting for you on the payment station. No one else will have to touch your envelope. You'll still put it into the payment box. 


Please continue to monitor your health.

Call a doctor and follow their advice:

If you have a fever, body aches, vomiting, or diarrhea.

If you have sneezing, coughing, or other symptoms of acute respiratory illness.

If you have the symptoms of COVID-19: fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

If you or someone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19.

If you or someone in your household is currently under quarantine for potential

COVID-19 exposure.


Links: VashonBePrepared  Healthgrades  King County Public Health




Update for March 18, 2020

I'm devising a plan to re-open by next week.



Update for March 17, 2020

Island Points is closed due to COVID-19 precautions. Following advice from King County Public Health, medical leaders, and scientists around the globe, we are encouraging social distancing to stop the spread and flatten the curve of infections. Please stay safe, healthy, and know that I intend to reopen our doors and serve our community with affordable acupuncture as soon as possible.Updates will be posted on our web site and social media:



Update for March 16, 2020

​The clinic is still open! 


For precautionary measures due to the SARS-CoV-2 (which causes the disease covid-19) pandemic I am putting a 15 minute buffer between appointments thus decreasing the number of treatment slots open each hour from four to two. This will allow us to regulate social distancing. Walk-ins will be accepted only if that distance between patients can be maintained. At this time I ask that you not come to the clinic if you have a cold or the flu.


There is now a hand washing policy in place. Upon entering the clinic everyone should proceed to the restroom first to wash their hands before choosing a chair. I have been, and will continue to be diligent about cleaning and disinfecting the clinic.


There is one treatment chair available with no linens that gets wiped down with a cleaning solution after each person and we're keeping a rigorous laundry schedule.


Acupuncture can help boost your immune system and calm excess anxiety (reasonable concern is appropriate; panic or excess anxiety can be helped).


We will continue to closely monitor information and recommendations from the CDC and King County Dept of Public Health. My aim is to make our clinic a healthy place for all. I will continue to review and update our practices and policies based on more information becoming available.

Links: VashonBePrepared  Healthgrades  King County Public Health


Please see a doctor and follow their advice:

If you have a fever, body aches, vomiting, or diarrhea

If you have sneezing, coughing, or other symptoms of acute respiratory illness

If you have the symptoms of COVID-19: fever, cough, and shortness of breath

If you or someone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19

If you or someone in your household is currently under quarantine for potential COVID-19 exposure


If you arrive for your treatment with any of the above symptoms, we will ask you to come back once these issues are resolved. We will waive the acupuncture cancellation fee if you are sick, so please cancel if you are unwell. Please give us as much notice as possible.


How do we protect ourselves?

  The single most important thing is to wash our hands frequently or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. This is because the virus has a fatty envelope which is broken down by good old soap and water, or alcohol. Wash hands for 20 seconds (the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday slowly!) Rub every surface of your hands including the backs.

  Second – avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. This is easier said than done. We touch our faces more than 90 times a day. 

  * Stay 3 feet away (WHO) or 6 feet (CDC) from a coughing person.

  * Don’t shake hands or otherwise touch people when you are out and about.

  * Clean surfaces that you regularly touch.


 I appreciate you all so very much! I will continue to post updates as conditions and mandates from the government change.

voice msg/text: 707-267-7858
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People's Organization of Community Acupuncture.

POCA is a 501(c)6 organization formed for the purpose of supporting and promoting community acupuncture clinics, practitioners, patients, friends, and volunteers in the United States and worldwide.


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